
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Dax's Birth Story

9:30 AM- We arrived at the hospital so I could be induced, they got me hooked up on the IV and settled in for what would be a long journey! 
11:30 AM- The doctor finally showed up to prescribe the pitocin to me.
12:30 PM- The doctor broke my water.
4 PMish- I got the epidural (heaven)!
4 PM - 9 PM- They check my dialation about every hour, it was pretty slow going.
9:00 PM- Made Sam call the doctor because I couldn't wait any longer. They checked me and I was dialated to a 10!
9:20 PM- Started pushing.
11:14 PM- Dax was born!

Ever since I can remember I imagined having a baby (the IV, epidural, contractions, and the baby physically coming out) to be incredibly painful. And maybe for some it is, but for me it was not. I'm glad now that I imagined it to be so painful because in reality after each one of those events I thought, hmm, that wasn't so bad. 
Keep in mind I did have an epidural so I can't promise anything to those who don't get it. The IV was painful and annoying the whole time, that was probably my least favorite part! I also thought breaking my water hurt but you don't really feel anything. Obviously the contractions started to hurt or I wouldn't have got the epidural. I imagine not having the epidural is quite painful. You always hear about how big the epidural needle is so that freaked me out. When he came in to give it to me I just didn't look at it. Didn't didn't really hurt at all and I had immediate relief! After that all you feel is pressure with the contractions and it gets stronger and stronger. Eventually it was so intense I knew it was time. 
We started the pushing process which lasted 2 hrs and it was exhausting. There is nothing more annoying to me than having the doctor tell you to push just a little harder when you are already pushing as hard as you can! When he would say that I wanted to say, "Oh, I thought I wasn't suppose to be pushing as hard as I could yet!" I did have to get an epesiotomy. It's really weird to feel yourself being cut but not feel pain with it. 
Finally the whole thing is over and you don't have a care in the world besides holding your baby for the first time. The complete joy, peace, and love that come with it are amazing! 
Overall, I had a really good experience. The doctors, nurses, and hospital were all amazing and I came out with no horror story's except the pain of having your baby go to the NICU.
P.s. You will be starving the whole time and all you get is flavored ice chips! It sucks, and if your husband is anything like mine he won't sneak you anything to eat! :)

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