
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Daxton Turns 1!

My sweet baby is one and I am in denial! I can't believe we have had a whole year with Dax and at the same time I can't imagine what life would be like without him! Since going back and reading his birth story again all day I have been thinking about what I was doing at this moment a year ago. I'm just so grateful to be his mother. I've had so much fun being this little explorers mom and can think of nothing I'd rather do. I'm so excited to watch him continue to grow and establish his own personality. As for now he rules our house, hes learned how to get his way and most of the time we think he's too cute to say no to :). 

Weight: Not sure because we haven't had a check up yet but I would guess low 20's.
Height: Same with his weight. When he was born and for quite a while he was tall for his age but that has slowed down a bit.
Clothes: Anything from 9-12 to 12-18, clothing sizes seem to range more at this age. But he is in a size 4 shoe.
Diapers: Size 3 but the next box we buy will be size 4. It feels like we have been in size 3 for forever!
Food: DUDE, this kid EATS!  Everything and all the time! He'll eat pretty much anything but, we have noticed he likes to be eating what we are. So if you give him something different he will usually sneak his hand off his high chair and drop it on the floor(why!!!??). He loves fruit, especially bananas and anything dessert(uh oh!)
Movement: Crawling and cruising(walking while holding on the things). He has been standing up by himself so maybe walking soon? He also can go up and down the stairs and it's his favorite thing to do :/.  Oh, and he has started climbing things.
Sleeping: Pretty good, he puts himself to sleep and sleeps through the night. He usually wakes up very early and when he does we usually complain but then I realize that I'm at least lucky he's not waking me up in the middle of the night.
Teeth: He's got 8 teeth! 4 on top and 4 on bottom.

We  have had two parts to his birthday. The first was our trip to the St. Louis Zoo which I will post about later. The second was his actual birthday which was today. Sam had to work at two so we celebrated this morning. He woke up around 6:30 and usually we eat right away but Sam wanted him to open his presents and he was so entertained by it he could have gone hours without eating! His favorite thing was from my parents, a little motorcycle that makes noise and lights up. He had been sitting on it all day and honking his horn:). After awhile we had him eat his cake. We thought he would immediately tear into it but he just stared at it for about a minute. Finally he tried it and then destroyed it as shown above!

The rest of the day has been spent playing:). Happy birthday to my best little buddy! 

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