Ive decided to share Our Story for anyone interested. For anyone that didn't know us before we got married it's a little surprising. Sam and I met at work. I had been working at Dinaland Golf Course in Vernal for a year or two in the cafe and then a boy I had never seen before (which is a miracle for those of you that don't know what it's like out there) started working there. Keep in mind I was still in high school as my first thoughts were holy crap he is so HOT! I knew I had no chance of him even noticing me. He would come up to order food and such but I was surprised when he would actually talk to me which made me blush uncontrollably and that would happen every time he talked to me. This became a ritual of us flirting each time he came up to eat and after a few weeks he asked me to go golfing with him. Unfortunately I had to tell him no because the day wouldn't work out so he just asked me out for the next day which I said yes to. :) I was really nervous, we hadn't exchanged numbers or anything so there was a thought in the back of my mind that he wouldn't show up for some reason (come to find out he had the same thoughts). But he did show up and we went golfing and for any of those of you who don't know me very well will not know that I can be very shy and first and even a while after that so the actual golfing was rather awkward and after he found out i was four years younger than him i wasn't sure what he would think but we made it through and I must have made a good enough impression because he told me we had to keep golfing until he beat me (haha which wasn't until a year after marriage I think). We did however exchange numbers after that and we haven't stopped texting and talking since. So that is how we really got to know each other until I was comfortable enough to open up to him in person. Maybe a week or two after our first date my whole family had a camping/boating trip at the Gorge and I invited him to come so he could meet my family. I went to get him and when we got back to the campers all of my younger cousins came running up to me calling me mommy! So to all my younger cousins watch out because there is no mercy :). I was so embarrassed but he didn't run away which was good and at the end of that day he asked me to be his girlfriend! After that came the hard part because he moved to Provo to go back to school and we then started a long distance relationship which is never fun. However we talked every night and occasionally visited each other. April finally came and he moved back to vernal, and the morning after I graduated high school he proposed at the spot we had our first kiss. On August 6th we got married in the Salt Lake Temple and it was the best day of my life! Life since then has been amazing, yes we've had our trials like every couple, but we are so incredibly blest and happy together. Sam is the most wonderful companion a girl can have and I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for him! Well, that's our story up till now and we know that it will go on happily for eternity.

One of our first pictures together.
One of Sam's visits.
Our engagement pictures.
Our special day!