
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New Styles

I am loving that spring is finally and we are getting to wear bright fun colors! This last Friday we went up to Logan and stopped by the Logan mall which we like to call the shmall since it has maybe 10 stores in it. Anyways I found some great deals and wanted to share. They were on the sales rack which was buy one get one free and right away the skirt drew me in! Only 20 bucks because the hem needed to be fixed (I was in heaven that my mom taught me to sew!) I also found the coral shirt which I thought would go great with the skirt! You could mix and match these with millions of other things. The picture is not showing the skirt great but it is mint and grey stripes.
White Undershirt: Down East
Coral Top: Head Over Heels
Skirt: Head Over Heels