
Monday, June 15, 2015

Manti Utah Temple + Weekend Randoms

Made an trip up to Manti this weekend and got to see this beautiful temple! It has been so long since I have been here I forgot how much I love this temple! It was also pretty fun because we drove through where I was born and Sam got to check it out. After a very crazy week, this ended up being a good relaxer!

This kid cracks me up! He will splash and splash, swallow water, choke on the water, then start all over again. He loves to eat and had basically demanded that we give him finger foods. We tried to give him pureed chicken and he would NOT have it so I need to figure out how to give him meat that he will like.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Grotto Falls

On Saturday we went for a hike up to Grotto Falls in Payson. We LOVED this hike. It's only about a third of a mile hike and not hard at all. It's a little harder to find the trail head if you're not familiar with the area so you'll want to make sure you have directions. We just googled it. It was so incredibly beautiful, not only at the waterfall but on the hike up. If it had been a little warmer it would have been fun to play in. You can also hike up to the top of the waterfall and around which was pretty fun.