
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Traveling the USA

In May we were lucky enough to head across the country to go my bro-in-law's wedding. Since we are poor college students we decided we would save some money and drive out to Virginia and fly back. The farthest I have ever driven is from Roosevelt to Vegas so I was excited for the little adventure. The wedding was the 25th of May in the D.C. temple so we started our journey the Wednesday before when I got out of school. The plan was for Sam to drive all that night, for me to sleep and then we would switch in the morning. The trip was to be about 30 hours altogether and we hadn't planned on stopping except for eating and bathroom breaks. Well lets just say it didn't really work out that way. Neither of us could really sleep the whole trip so we were a little sleep deprived. We also decided to take a little pit stop in Nauvoo! And I was so glad we did it was a really fast stop but of what we did get to see was absolutely beautiful! We ended up getting into Virginia Friday morning and then the wedding festivities began. I have to say Virginia is absolutely gorgeous! I'm just sad that we didn't get to capture more of it with our camera. After we got cleaned up some of us went shopping at the outlets and then we headed to the bachelorette party were we got pedicures. That night the groom came over and we had a bbq and some fun before the big day. Saturday we headed to the D.C. temple for the wedding and later that day we went to the reception. Sunday we went into D.C. to the National Mall there we spent all day touring the monuments. It was a very long day but so interesting! Monday we finally got to go home which pretty much took all day. It was a great trip(besides the ticket I got driving out!) and I'm so glad I got to go!

The Mississippi River (this picture doesn't do it justice)

Nauvoo Temple

The beautiful D.C. temple.

D.C. has amazing architecture!

Museum of Natural History