
Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Sam graduated UVU last December. Since then he has been applying for graduate schools to become an Occupational Therapist. It has been a very long wait. I think he started the whole process last summer. We didn't think we would hear until the beginning of May so when Sam got the phone call early we were so so happy! It has been hard not knowing where we will be living the next year and not knowing where our life is going. Finally being able to know and plan is really exciting. 

We will be moving 1,250 miles away to Springfield, Missouri. The school starts August 17th (which just happens to be Sams 26th birthday). We will be moving there sometime the end of July beginning of August and be there for at least 2 1/2 years.

I'm really excited and nervous at the same time! There are a lot of cool things to see back there and we will love exploring. Being so far from family will definitely be hard though. I am very close to my family and love spending as much time with them as possible so I just have to trust that Heavenly Father knows best. But we will be making as many trips as financially possible!

We did a lot of researching over the weekend but did get out to enjoy the wonderful spring weather. It was really funny because for a while Dax was totally freaked out by the plants and flowers. If he got too close to them or even looked at them he would freak out!

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