
Friday, April 24, 2015

Where Samberly Came From

How We Met -told by Sam
During the summer of 2011 I got a job working at Dinaland golf course in Vernal, Utah. My goal was to save some money and work on my tan so I would be prepared to go back to UVU and jump into the dating pool. While I did get a tan my money began disappearing quite rapidly when I met Amberly. From the moment I saw her I knew Amberly wasn't just an ordinary girl. She was and still is the most incredibly beautiful person I have ever seen. With her light red-brown hair and blue-grey eyes that sparkled with joy and excitement of life, I could hardly take my eyes of her. To top it all off she had the most gorgeously accented freckles, each one adding to her beauty. I knew I had to meet her but was so intimidated by her charm and perfect smile. So I did what any socially awkward person would do and began stalking her. I would drop in at the club house where she worked and get refills for my water cup which I had just filled and dumped within a fifteen minute stretch just to try and catch her eye. She probably thought I was a camel but I couldn't help myself. 
Finally I got the courage to talk to her. I was so nervous. She was so pretty and couldn't possibly be interested in me. I was no stranger to rejection and knew that this would surely be the worst case if things didn't go well. Somehow I managed to get through our first encounter without scaring her off and eventually got to the point where I got her to go golfing with me. I couldn't believe that I was going to spend a few hours with her. The idea was so exciting that I forgot to get her number. All I could do was hope she didn't stand me up. The day of our first date came and and I was overcome with relief when I saw Amberly waiting for me at the clubhouse. She looked so amazing all decked out in her golf outfit and I knew I was in trouble. Yes she did best me horribly that day but somewhere between the 16th and 18th hole I thought of the most clever thing. When we got back to the clubhouse I told Amberly that she had to play me until I beat her and to my surprise she agreed. A few weeks before we married I finally beat Amberly at a round of golf. Being freed from our agreement Amberly decided to keep me around and I thank God everyday that she did. 
We have gone through our ups and downs as everyone has but the downs aren't as bad when I'm with her and the ups are unexplainably joyous. In honor of that first date we go golfing each year on the anniversary and it always brings back fond memories. Gone is my tan and my money but Amberly is worth it all.

How He Proposed 
Sam and I had our first kiss on the shore side of a local lake while watching the sun set. You may wonder what that has to do with our proposal story but it will make sense. It was really early on a Saturday morning, maybe around 5. Sam picked me and starting driving. I asked where we were going but he wouldn't tell me. Eventually I figured out that we were heading towards the lake and wondered if he was going to propose. I started looking for a ring which I immediately got in trouble for :). We got to the lake and he set up a blanket so we could eat breakfast. We walked along the beach after that and at one point he stopped and told me how much he loved me. He then got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I of course said yes and then he put a ring on it :).

Where Team Samberly Came From
I can't remember when exactly we came up with Samberly as our nick name. I think we may have been playing a game in which we were on the same team. We realized that Sam and Amberly fit together perfectly as Samberly. We thought we were geniuses! We eventually added team to the beginning because we liked the meaning of it. We always want to work together for a common purpose. From there it just became a thing. We are team Samberly and as we have kids our team would just get bigger. Now there are three of us and we could not be happier!  

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